Monday, April 12, 2010

Moving is Stressful

I moved into a new apartment and it's so incredibly stressful. Stressful to try to lug furniture around manhattan and brooklyn and up 4 flights of stairs, stressful to have to deal with roommates who may live differently than you, and stressful to realize that you're actually an adult who must pay rent and buy groceries.

I finally got a bed today. Up until now, I've been sleeping on an air mattress. It feels so nice to have a big bed to sprawl out on. I can eat chips and drink iced tea and watch Lost all within a few inches of myself!

Also, I've been eating really badly the last few days. The kitchen in this new apartment was not clean so I didn't want to cook in it until it was cleaned up. Today I nearly had a conniption fit as I made pasta for lunch. I decided to have a "dirty dinner" as I like to call it - soda, pizza, and chips. I was in no mood to cook and I had a raging headache from running around the city trying to get cleaning supplies, a chest of drawers, and other household items.

I felt guilty when i was at the grocery store, but there's nothing better to cure a headache than just-out-of-the-oven pizza and salty potato chips!

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