Monday, November 22, 2010

Growing Old

This evening was a time of catching up. I skyped with my parents for almost an hour, chatted about Thanksgiving and my plans to come home for Christmas, and caught each other up with what was going on.

Then I decided to read up on my brothers blog. He's getting married next year and he just got an awesome promotion at work. I rarely speak with him on the phone, but when I do it's so great to hear his voice. He's so inspiring, and so when I read his blog, I feel that same sort of inspiration.

And I found myself getting teary eyed as I read how he's rearranging his apartment to make new space for his fiancee who will be moving in soon. It was so touching and it settled in that my big brother is starting his own family. What does that mean for our family? I already don't see alot of him!

Ugh. Such a selfish thought. But it's the same feeling I feel when my good friend starts dating someone. I grew up mostly as an only child (big bro is 12 years older than me) so I am quite possessive.

Oh well.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Well Hello!

I musttttt start writing on this thing again! I like to share my thoughts and current obsessions, so here's where I'll start.

I'm cooking split pea soup right now and I added CHIA SEEDS to the broth. What are chia seeds? They are a wonder seed. The are full of fiber, they're tasteless, and you can eat them on just about anything. They absorb water so they keep you full for longer, and they're a wonderful antioxident. I'm trying to eat them everyday.

I've been watching Kimora Lee Simmons' reality show. She is an inspiration to me for some reason. I connect with her on so many levels. She's simply fabulous (which is her motto.) She's just given me the confidence not to take any BS from anyone. Don't be afraid to let people know who you are, what you stand for, and what you need! When someone isn't doing their job, she calls them out on it. And she is always dressed to impress. It shows that she means business. And I like that.

Lastly, I have moved into a new apartment. I signed a year lease! It's quite lovely. Nice neighborhood, nice apartment, good deal. I'll be honest - living with other people has never been something I enjoyed but I'm trying to come to terms with it. I think i just have very high standards for the way I live and I have yet to find someone who shares that same standard. These are the perils of having grown up mostly as an only child. I expect too much.

Pics of my soup to come!