Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Julian the Master Mind
First, he re-nigs on everything he says. “Go take a bath Julian.” “Okay… (5 minutes later) I already took one last night.” “Here, I bought you a chocolate chip cookie Julian.” “I don’t eat milk chocolate… (5 minutes later) Ummm, can I have the cookie?” WTF?!
Me: Have any homework?
Little boy: no, I did it at school.
Me: Don’t download any games on my computer
Little boy: okay! (as I watch a machine gun game being downloaded)
The worst was when he told me that echinacea will not only prevent him from getting swine flu (which causes autism), but AIDS as well. Holy Moses. Help this kid out!
Tomorrow I have to leave him alone for a few hours. I’m deathly afraid of leaving my computer so I’m going to take it with me. I can just see it now – spilt lemonade on my keypad. NOT FUN. What will he do for 3 hours with a computer or working television? I dunno, he’ll have to figure it out. I’m over it.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
10 Things I love To Do
2) Drink Tea
3) Cook
4) Write Songs
5) Feel Pretty
6) See Shows
7) Go Out To Dinner
8) Plan Outfits to wear
9) Dance
10) Make Money
The last one being the topic of the post. I did my showcase at NYU. Haven't received any responses - yet. It's not the end of the world. I am still going forward with my quest to get an agent. Or at least be cast in a show. That is so important to me right now. To be doing something that is actively creative. I want to be in a show so badly!!!!
I don't think I'm going home for Christmas or New Years. I don't have the time or the money to do it. I have a job here in NY - one I am beginning to really like and enjoy. I work as a hostess in a very cute restaurant. I am getting to be really good at being a hostess and the money is bomb. As are the benefits of working in the restaurant - food, being around other young aspiring artists (we have several models, actors, playwrights, and dancers who also work there.)
A month ago I was praying that I could either find a job this holiday season or return back to NY. Well, I now have both and I'm on a fast roll to getting some of the things I want. It sorts of makes me sad to think that I won't be home for the holidays, but I need to keep my eyes forward on my goals. I'll get home, one of these days.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Everything is better in New York. I suddenly feel more in my skin, more at home, more mobile! Even the tea tastes better. I got up and made white chai tea and it tasted better than it ever had. At home, I would always put cream in my white chai tea, and any tea aficionado will know that white tea is too delicate to really put cream into it (it would overpower its essence), and this morning I made my tea forgetting to put cream in it and it tasted perfect! See, even my common sense makes better sense here!
It’s so funny how if you put your dreams into action, they can come into fruition. Just like my friend who said, “I want to get out of LA and go to Chicago” – she has a wonderful job and apartment in Chicago exactly a month later. And then I said “ I want to get out of LA and go to New York” and here I am trying to make the next steps for my future. It feels really exciting to be doing what you love and in a city that inspires you.
And it feels like fall. That is very cool. I’ve always loved fall clothes – hats, gloves, pretty scarves, jackets, and BOOTS! And fall food is so appropriate here. I had lentils with squash, turnips, and yams – so good!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The World I Know Is A World Much Too Slow
As my boyfriend knows, I am an envious person. I envy other people's relationships, successes, opportunities, and blessings. I am in a rut and do not know how to get out.
So here I will confess all of my short term goals and surrender them into the universe, hoping and praying that they are heard.
I am finding that while I love California, I don't love living here. I feel incredibly immobile here. I am always needing, whether it be a ride, directions, or an excuse. I spent 4 years in one of the most connected cities in this world. I miss the feeling of being mobile, knowing where to go, and having the freedom to just get up and do what I need to do. It's saturday afternoon and I am stuck in my house because I don't have any transportation. It's a joke.
While I have 2 great internships and a decent job, I am not doing what I love. I am not living the life I want to live at 22. I am not making enough money, I am doubting myself more than ever, and I am not having fun. Shouldn't I be having the time of my life right now? It seems like everyone else is!
The one thing I will say is that I am writing more songs than I can keep up with. They come to me in the car, right before I wake up or go to bed, and when I am watching tv. I am slowly starting to wonder whether this is a sign that I should really dig my heels into this.
My search for a second job in dead. I did not graduate from a 4 year university just to go work at the Olive Garden, but at the same time, I need a second income if I want to save and move back to New York. I am getting desperate, but I'm not quite there yet. I will keep praying. I don't think the answer is in the restaurant industry.
"Starting now, I am planting the necessary seeds to initiate a massive change in my life."
Enchiladas, linguine, and salads (oh my!)
Salad Nicoise i whipped up last night. I love all the ingredients - it's sort of like a hodge podge of unusual but quite tasty items. Here you see tomatoes, kalamata olives, tuna with pesto, a boiled egg, steamed green beans, and a baby red potatoes.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
When Keepin it Real Goes Wrong
So what is one supposed to do? Well, I'm searching for a second job to help relieve the financial pressure. When is Obama going to pass this stupid health bill?! Help a sister out!
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Cake That Made Me Cry

Appetizers: white bean and rosemary dip, crudites, and radish en croute (a name I made up) - toasted ciabatta with butter, radishes, a touch of salt and pepper. So simple and so good.
Dinner: Garlic Shrimp, whole wheat pasta and mozzarella, lobster, and mixed veggies. We had spent about an hour preparing to make a vegetable napolean (roasted zucchini, squash, red peppers, eggplant, and mushrooms layered in between mozzarella cheese, baked in the oven for a quick 5 minutes to melt the cheese) - but a kitchen disaster quickly changed that. NOTE TO ALL - never put cold water in a hot dish and vice versa. IT WILL BREAK! No one was injured, but we lost a pirex dish and the oven was splattered with glass.
Dessert: So, for my moms birthday I made her a 3 layer caramel cake. Talk about a cake! I started cooking it at 4 pm and finished at 7. Everything was homemade, including the frosting. we used 5 sticks of butter and alot of brown sugar. I literally cried when I finished putting the frosting on. It was so beautiful. And it tasted even better. OH MY GOD.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Split Pea Soup and Bruschetta
This Week At A Glance

- a job interview that went well. Will I take it.. now that's the question.
- scheduled a meeting for a fall internship with ABC. very cool.
- a great audition. always feels good to have one of those.
- wrote another song. it's very funky!
- first table read of a play I was just cast in. I play a villian!
It's only Thursday, but I have many things up my sleeve. I plan on making split pea soup, bruschetta, and cinnamon chicken this week. All new recipes. I hope they turn out well.
I'm going to see a matinee of 500 days of summer someday this week. Just me and myself. And I will treat myself to popcorn!
Hope the rest of the week is eventful!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Piano Wizards

Went to see these 2 guys at the Hollywood Bowl last night. First off, the Hollywood Bowl is such an amazing venue. 18,000 people, open air facility situated in the Mountains of Hollywood - very nice. The LA Philharmonic played behind them and it was just a great show, esp. for musicians. It was purely about the music, and boy did it sound good! They also had Josh Groban as a special guest. That was pretty awesome. Made me want to practice piano more.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Hi It's Been A Long Time
cupcakes i made today. Yellow cake with almond milk chocolate frosting. yum.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
1) Californians love to use the word "bomb"
Jenna: My mom got these bomb ass burritos at Ralphs. Wanna try one?
Ashley: Bomb
2) New York has a specialty store for everything, where as here in LA, things can be found in one lumped place.
New York: Peanut Butter and Co, Mamouns falafel, Pluck U wings
California: Hot wings at Pizza Hut, salads and wraps at Jamba Juice: nothing special
3) The world will begin to take shape for you only when you start to truly love and believe in yourself!
Average girl: I'm not that pretty and I don't have much to offer.
Bomb girl: Do you have a job, money in the bank, good friends, and future prospects?
Average girl: No...
Bomb: Exactly, honey. Love yoself and then the world can start loving you back.
Fathers Day
I also did shots with the fam. First one was a chocolate cake shot, second one was a wedding cake shot. THEY WERE AMAZING.
This morning I made waffles for dad. This picture says it all: Obama, flowers, "I can't believe it's not butter", waffles, and orange juice. Divine.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I was going to be a model on the finale of "Shear Genius" but I didn't contact the lady in enough time, so she offered me the next best thing: to be in the audience. I invited Corinne and Lindsey but after waiting around for an hour with only warm water bottles and a 24 pack of chips from costco (we were promised snacks and non-alcoholic beverages, not middle schools snacks!), we decided to just leave. We hung out in Hollywood and ate at CPK. I personally was rooting for TGIF's (jack daniels chicken is so bomb.) We wanted a celebrity sighting, but no such luck. We were all hoping for Shia La Beauf to show up somewhere. Where is he?!?!
I'll be seeing this guy in a little over a month. I miss him and New York and subways and walking everywhere! July can't come soon enough!

Thursday, June 11, 2009
The udon soup I made. It was even better the second day.
Currently watching: The Graduate
Currently drinking: Roasted Almond Tea with half and half
Currently eating: Greek Yogurt with orange blossom honey, strawberries, and granola
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
on a roll
Breakfast: banana, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry smoothie with soy milk and honey
Lunch: Udon soup with veggies and chicken dumplings
Dinner: chicken tikka masala with some indian side dishes (that i'll probably get from TJ's) and paratha!
Dessert: I'm thinking...cookie dough malt?!
Monday, June 8, 2009
it's been awhile!

Booked my 10 day flight to NY in July. Very excited.
Tried the pomegrante pinkberry flavor yesterday. Thumbs up, AND they have fresh pitted cherries as a topping option! Next month they're gonna have tangerines as an option. Gotta love Pinkberry.
In homage to amsterdam, I'm gonna bike ride. It's sort of embarrassing though. No one (at least where I live) bike rides or walks, so I'd be a lone ranger on the streets. But who cares what people think, right?
Thursday, June 4, 2009
DefJam Rapstar: Day two and three
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
DefJam Rapstar: Day One
kobe beef sliders with blue cheese aioli and crispy fried onions
brie and fig quesadillas
gazpacho with shrimp
tuscan chicken skewers
fresh ahi tuna in small ice cream cones!
The only con is that it's far away, so I'm gonna take the metro there!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Oh no
Because I'm eating things like this:
The problem is that I'm not motivated to run. I'd happily go to a yoga or dance class, but in California, those cost $15 and I'm trying to save all my money for my July NYC trip.
disappointment :( Where's GTG when I need him?
Sunday, May 31, 2009
avocado honey mask for 20 minutes on my face: the best thing i've ever done.
saw UP. as my brother says, "it tugs at the heart."
had another sleepover last night, this time with my dear old friend Sarita. We watched the Sex and the City movie. Don't we all wish we could be like them?!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Ladies Night!
Very good.
Then we made cupcakes.
Even better.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Ain't Misbehavin

Saw this show tonight at the Mark Taper Forum. Wonderfully magically. I was transported to Harlem in the 1920's. My dad knew half the cast and musicians, so we went backstage and said hello to everyone. Most of the actors were bicoastal. And all were so gracious. That's what the theatre should be about. Talented, humble individuals!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Shopping: Part Deux
It's also my mom's last day home. she's touring with aerosmith this summer. It just keeps getting lonelier and lonelier. I find myself longing to connect with old friends here: elementary school friends, high school theatre friends, anyone. Oh, and I found free yoga classes in the valley and $10 bikram classes :) I'm off to do my hair and watch House of Sand and Fog.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Shopping: Part Un

Today I bought running/exercise shoes. I had never heard of the brand: Diadora. They're black and cute. I can't wait to start exercising!
And I purchased this dress. It was love at first sight. I'll wear it on my 22nd birthday, which is less than a month away!
More shopping tomorrow. I realized that I hadn't purchased anything new last semester and I had the sudden urge to spend spend spend!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Sunday Afternoon

Went to church.
Came home to prepare for our guests for dinner (My brother Jay and his girlfriend Tiffani!)
Discovered a mommy bird and a daddy bird who had created a nest in our atrium. They're going to have a baby and they decided to play house, all sweetly and safely perched at our house. It was very sweet.
I made dinner again. Mediterranean stuffed chicken (kalamata olives, feta cheese, sundried tomatoes, asparagus tips), candied walnuts and cranberry acorn squash salad, and roasted honey-balsamic broccoli. For dessert: magic bars! (graham cracker crust with butte

1 is the loneliest number. 2 is not!

Seeing one of my best friends Lindsey tonight perked me up so much! We went to Pasadena (one of my favorite places in L.A.) to see a play at the Pasadena Playhouse called "The Little Foxes" by Lillian Hellman. A good family friend named Yvette Cason (she played Beyonce's mom in "Dreamgirls") was in the play. She was the best part of it because the rest of the show was VERY BORING. Not like NY theatre at all. Not even like ETW theatre. I swear I saw better Independent Projects than this.
This is what I realized: theatre in L.A. is for older people. Old white people. That's who's getting cast and that's who goes to see it. I def. didn't leave new york to do theatre in los angeles, so I think i'll stick with what seems to be a younger persons genre: TV. Unless an amazing musical comes to this city, I don't think I'll be cast in very many turn of the century plays where the word "nigger" is thrown around every 3 minutes.
Lastly, Lindsey and I rounded out our night by going to another favorite spot of ours: The Cheesecake Factory! We sat at the bar, where I filled my stomach with spicy chicken taquitos, pomegranite (sp?) margaritas, and hot chocolate. So good.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
daydreaming about:
what everyone in NY is doing
being on a tv show
starting a band
summer dresses and sandals
tomorrows dinner
Friday, May 22, 2009
how i spent my friday night:
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Top 5 To Do
1) Brush teeth and wash face before going to bed (I often fall asleep prior to doing this.)
2) 5-8 glasses of water. (So hard to do!)
3) Practice piano.
4) Exercise: dance class, yoga, or tennis (the thing that sucks about being back in California is that I eat and go back to sitting on my butt. I'm literally always full.)
5) Check backstage west everyday! (someone very smart said "if you aren't auditioning, you are aren't doing your job.")